How the chameleon went too far...
Iman always teased David because of his skinniness and his smallness. After she had managed to get him from smoking and alcohol, it wasn't still enough.
Again and again she told him, how good looking the boys in the Gym were, where she sometimes went for some exercise.
So Bowie took a critical view in the mirror, bought some protein-pills and we didn't see him for some months. The 2003-Tour was cancelled.
And when in 2004 he again hit the stage, his fans really were shocked.
Oh, god, what had happened???
"Oh, no! This monster can't be our David!" they shouted, and some began to cry.
David was confused. And looked at his audience.
" don't like my new look? No? Not better than that ugly Hobojoe? Or that Mr. Tictac from the last tour? Or that evil drug-addicted thin white duke (while swallowing some protein-pills)? Or that Pooftah-Ziggy-Alien? Or that Aladdin-Sane-Cracker? He, what do you want?! It's me! Your Bowie!! Taller, bigger, stronger, 100 pounds more Bowie than ever!"
But all the fans cried:
"Give us our sweet little skinny Boouuiieeelieee back!"