place exbowator!

Being bowatized is a really serious thing. When you are suffering from Bowatisation you think you feel well, yes, you may have a stupid grin on your face and even think you never felt better in your life! But - in reality you are sick, something has occupied your brain, a special kind of a parasite is living in your head now.
And, like every mental disease the first step to cure is to accept, that you are sick. Then help is near.
The big Exbowator will be there to help you to get rid of that Bowie, which usually causes the disease.
You can call the Exbowator - but mostly he comes when you even don't think of him. Because he's always on his mission and it seems, he smells the Bowie wherever it is hiding...

Here you can read in a French Comic*, how the Exbowator usually works.
(it's a bit enlarged for a better reading)

      *)that means, it was drawn in Carnon near Montpellier in France
       and so became a part of the great French Comic-tradition
        (certainly it has nothing to do with me)

the sea